Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Remember to eat, pray, love

Eat, Pray, Love is an excellent book... but they are also some very basic things up there with breathe.

Remember to breathe.

Jeremiah has started summer school and it's getting a bit crazy with him trying to work and everything as well.   Just need him to trust in God in with knowing what is our plan.

My grandmother has been sick (well, just not feeling well) and has been losing weight for several weeks now.  She FINALLY went and got everything checked out.  They found a tumor in her gastric tubes (not for sure where or apart of her stomach or what).  So please continue to pray for her health.

Our friends had their baby on Saturday, however, Michelle is not doing well.  Bronchitis and normal new mother aliments.  Pray that she will heal quickly and be able to fully enjoy time with her new son.

I go in for my final interview tomorrow with one of the human resource people.  I know it will be fine, but I need God to give me courage to do what and say what I should and sign that contract!  I also need some guidance with one of my friends.  God knows what is going on with her and I - I just wish he would inform me and help me to make the right decisions and to do the right things... as of right now, I am currently waiting (for her).

Our son.  Period.   No matter how tough life gets or crazy or stressing, seeing him cry, smile, laugh and play always makes it worth it.  I love my husband, family, friends and even career and photography and traveling.  But there is nothing like the love a mother has for their child.  Agape.

Today, we already broke our rule and had subway for lunch.  I was busy with pictures, gideon and the house and didn't know what to make that was "light", simple and healthy.  Subway is always worth it.  Tonight was going to be small group but too many people are gone/sick/coming home from a trip (Have Justin get home safely).  Jeremiah needed to do homework so we decided to cancel.  I made Lasagna.

Let's see how it taste!   It says there is 500 calories per serving!  It better be yummy!  =]

UPDATE:  Jeremiah and I both really liked the Lasagna I made (which was challenging with an upset baby... but it did get done!).  I made a few personal changes.  While browning the meat I tossed in one small onion and half of a tomato (it needed to be used).  I also did a dash of cayenne pepper.  I also shredded my own mozzarella and because I'm cheap I only used 10 noodles (box at 20, save for next time) and did two layers.  Next time I think I will use more sauce, or add more tomatoes/paste into the browned meat.  Overall it was really good and I was happy with it.

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