Gideon is 9.5 weeks old. Growing growing growing. At his 2 month check up he was 13 pounds and 23 inches. He's just absolutely as perfect as perfect can get. I'm trying to learn to be the best mother ever. Right now, what's best is that I set my competitiveness nature aside and ALWAYS ALWAYS remember that ALL babies are different. Even though Gideon doesn't sleep through night (he does do some prolonged hours). I have a baby that can sleep anywhere, he's a good eater (and burper) he talks ALL of the time and I can tell he's going to learn sign language really fast (great eye contact and watches my hands constantly when we are speaking). He is special and Jeremiah and I love him for being him.
Megan - hey that's me! I'm working out as much as I can. Being a stay at home gives me the chance to lose all of my baby weight before I go back to teaching in August. Or working another job. I hope that this week is the week that brings me good news on the job front. All with time. And everyone knows that I am NOT a very patient person. But I am doing good at working out and taking Gideon for walks. Today I rant 2 miles in 30 minutes... not bad at all! I'm doing the couch to 5k program - and I can see myself getting "addicted" to running/working out (which is not a bad thing). The weight is slowly coming off, but I know that I can do it! My mantra is: For God, For Jeremiah, For Gideon and For Myself. Those are my reasons to run! To treat my body like the temple it was intended, to be the beautiful wife my husband married (and sees even when I don't see her), so I can live long and be active with my son, and so I can be happy with myself!
Jeremiah has been working at Walgreens. He also is looking into a job on campus for an IT position. It's nice having him back at work taking the financial stress off of us (although I'm sure I'll still worry, it's my nature). I can't wait for him to start school and pray that he really enjoys it. He's still playing magic with his buds, spends time with Gideon and plays music when he can.
Our family is doing great. We all have our weaknesses and our strengths. Just keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Much love!
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