Gideon Xavier Jones
Born: March 2, 2012 at 2:58 a.m.
Weight: 7lbs. 15oz.
Height: 20 inches
Head: 14.5 inches
Labor time: 24+ hours
"My Story"
Wednesday, February 29 (Happy Birthday Heather), night mommy got very little sleep. Finally around 4 she started to count how far apart her contractions were. Around six oclock they start to become 4 minutes apart. Mommy called her mom, Grandma Marwene, to tell her to not go see her parents. Mommy then woke daddy up and told him to call into work for I, Gideon, was coming. Mommy wanted to take a shower and still needed to pack her bag. They left for the hospital around 9 am March 1st and where checked in around 10 am. Mommy was checked and was dilated to a 4. She wanted to have an all natural birth so to progress labor/contractions she went for walks. After an hour she was at a 5, after another hour of walking and contractions she was at a 6, same thing happened for 7. However when mommy hit the dilation of a 7, she was stuck. Mommy went through painful contractions for three hours and didn't progess anymore. She was very discouraged and hurting. She finally "broke" and took the epidural (a drug that makes your lower half of your body numb). She instantly felt much better, still in control but not in pain (just pressure). She then dilated to a 10 very quickly. They decided to give her petocin to make her contractions stronger so that I could come. Luckily she wasn't in as much pain. The doctor said mommy needed to push to get me out. Mommy pushed and pushed and pushed (you should have seen her face). Daddy and Grandma Marwene were there to help mommy through everything. Daddy said later "it was like a war zone!" After three and half hours of intense pushing and true laboring Sue, the on call midwife decided to get Dr. Cox to see what they should do next. My head was just stuck in the canal and kept hitting mom's pelvic bone. Dr. Cox had mommy push a few times, but nothing. At some point as mommy puts it "everyone was running around the labor room and I just yelled, I need to push!!!!!!" So, mommy started pushing and Dr. Cox "reached in" and grabbed me. Daddy said that after I was pulled out my umbilical cord had burst all over the sweetest nurse Julie (mommy said she was her favorite!). I had a low apgar scale because mommy made my birth traumatic, so says the doctors. But I turned out just fine.
I was born at 2:58 a.m. on March 2, 2012. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me, because I'm super cute. Mommy has started nursing me, I like it and eat a whole bunch at a time. I'm a pretty cool baby and just never really fuss.
Today, I had the sniffles so they are monitoring me a bit closer and taking a few test. We'll let you know how things are going. Mommy and Daddy are not worried, so you shouldn't be either! I'm such a healthy boy, going to be a good day!
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