Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some of the finer details....

The previous entry was about Gideon's story. However, 'he' left out some of the finer more 'adult' details. A few things he forgot to mention to all of you mommies and daddies reading this...
They did break my water when I was stuck at a 7 dilation... and boy did I have a lot of fluid (that's what they said). However, I still remained at a seven for hours.
I did try different positions, on my side, walking, standing against Jeremiah (my favorite) the ball, etc. Not only was my first (of three rooms) incredibly small, but nothing seemed to work or appease me.
I did rip to a three and had several stitches (I'm guessing about five, but the doc and midwife would not tell me, they just looked at each other and said "think of it as one BIG stitch!")
The traumatic birth was the fact that Gideon was in my birth canal going back and forth back and forth for 3 and half hours while I pushed. He had a hard time getting over my pelvic bone. The traumatic part was not just the time, but because he was in one spot for so long and then all of a sudden I pushed and got him out he didn't have time to get ready. He was born in "shock" to say the least. Because of the long delivery he also had a swollen face, cone head, some bruising on his head as well as a scratch on his skin the size of a half-dollar. All of these ouchies have gone away completely or getting better rapidly.

He's getting stronger every day!
Yesterday, after having a good feeding in the morning Gideon did not want to be laid down to sleep (which he has been a GREAT sleeper). He just wanted to snuggle and be held up not cradled. After Jeremiah got up and two hours of just holding him to appease him I realized he was breathing "funny" so I called his nurse and asked if she could follow up on it. The on call Dr. evaluated him, asked for a respiratory specialist to come and and look at him as well.
There were several different conclusions. They thought because of his birth he had some fluid back up, they also though they heard a heart murmur (sp)? and his jaundice was at a higher level than what they would like for his age. They did an x-ray, cbc, blood culture (and told me all about them quickly as I was just thinking "I want my baby to be okay"). At one point they did have him hooked up to an IV just to ensure he was getting his fluids.

All of the test came back with the conclusion that they couldn't find anything wrong with him. But they did want to monitor him. The rest of the day he stayed in the nursery first under a warmer while they watched his heart rate and then he did end up under the belly lamp (or tanning bed) to clear up his jaundice (which is going away quickly).

I have been making trips down to the nursery to feed him, and he's nursing great! I am so proud of that kid and how much he digs the boob.. ahhahahahahah!!! But in all seriousness, he does latch on well and eats for long time.

They said today (Sunday) that they will bring him out to me to feed and will be able to be held by others for an hour here and an hour there and spend the remainder time in the tanning bed. But we are going to wait for the pediatrician to have his look over and give the nursers true feedback.

I am also a new proud owner of two boats.. on my feet. My ankles and feet swelled to incredible sizes. The nurses taking care of me said it was normal that they might remain these huge sizes for a while. Apparently I walked TOOOOO much and all my fluid shifted to my feet. They are NASTY looking. I miss my toes. ahahehehe.

Jeremiah and I will have to go home today by 11:59 unless they want me to stay. But if we do have to go home without him it's for a good reason to get him better.

Going to go post a few more pictures from my phone (we are getting new phones here as in tomorrow!).

Some random bits: we watched Back to the Future tonight! Gideon loves music! And my car stinks. Jeremiah was going to go to get himself some food and my car wouldn't start!!! Booh. So while my mom and dad were visiting they jumped him for him to go home grab a quick shower and get his car (which doesn't have the car seat in it yet!).

Love you all and thanks for the kind words and prayers,

1 comment:

  1. Ha. I laughed a few times reading this. Will being seeing you guys shortly!
