Monday, March 26, 2012

Three weeks and three days

The title of this post is how old Gideon is today!  He was three weeks old on Friday!  I can hardly believe how quick time has gone and how much our little guy has changed and grown.

The reason that I was not able to post sooner was because Friday night/Saturday morning we took Gideon to the ER at 1:00 am.   The previous couple of days Gideon was having trouble breathing, nothing major, just coughing and sneezing.  We chalked it up to allergies or just a baby cold.  After I fed him Friday night he was struggling incredibly hard, chocked himself up trying to breathe and stopped breathing for a few seconds.  I couldn't put him to bed and know that I could wake up the next morning without my baby.

So, I drug Jeremiah out of bed and we headed to the ER.  They finally admitted us around 2:30 am.   They checked him out and everything and were actually going to send us home; but then his RSV test came back positive.    They then sent us down to the pediatric ward around 4:30am.   Where he was monitored, checked out, and hooked up to all sorts of different things (IV, oxygen, heart).  

That day when the doctor came to see him she was worried at how difficult he was breathing.  He was retracting incredibly bad (broke my heart).  The lovely doctor, also a mother, said that she didn't feel comfortable keeping him at that hospital and wanted to transfer us to a bigger hospital with more equipment.  She was worried that as things got worse he would stop breathing all together and they wouldn't be prepared to help him.  They also kept him because he is so young.  Another doctor said if he was two months or older that this wouldn't be as major as it is for Gideon.  He's just too young to work so hard to breathe.

So 8:30 (pm, Saturday) I rode with Gideon in the ambulance to Springfield's hospital where he was taken to the picu or pediatric ICU.  Again they ran test, sucked out snot of his nose and monitored him.  

Jeremiah and I got a room in the pediatric ward (for PICU parents) where we finally slept at 2:00 am Sunday morning.  

Yesterday, he seemed to be doing better.  He wasn't on oxygen, on room air.  He wasn't chocking/gagging himself by trying to gasp for air.   He still struggled from time to time and you still could hear how congested he was.   Jeremiah went home around 8:00pm for he has to work this week and my mom came in to stay with me.

This morning we are waiting for visiting hours to start back up so we can go see our little guy.  Hopefully he'll be in our room today/tonight  (although I'm sure my mom enjoyed getting her sleep).  

So, we are waiting and I'll let you know more when the time comes.

Above:  This was when we were in the first hospital before he was put on oxygen and everything.  His arm is wrapped up to keep his IV from coming out (or him eating on it, or pulling it out himself).    He's smiling even though he is having a rough time at such a young age.   He melts our hearts.  LOVE HIM! 

Above:  This is from Saturday in the PICU.   Don't worry, he's not cold he's under a warming light.  He was playing with Jeremiah.  Our little guy is strong.  Then again, Gideon Xavier does mean warrior.  

I do thank everyone who has given us positive vibes, encouraging words, prayer, and happy thoughts.  We know God is watching over him and he'll be home before we know it.  RSV will take a while for him to overcome, but we know he will.

With love,
Megan, Jeremiah, and of course our precious Gideon 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gideon = 2 weeks old!

Pictures and pictures   click to go to facebook to see some of his pictures.  I really need to update facebook as well (with our new phones we take so many on there but don't post them all on fb).  We still have a few on our camera as well.

Gideon is two weeks old today.  That's right two woopin weeks old. Jeremiah and I are still getting use to the new each other, the new environment, new schedule, new little (amazing!) person, and even having my mom around more is new (but so much appreciated and needed).  

Today he had his check up and he looks great.  He is healthy and the doctor had no complaints or concerns.  He's still only 8 pounds, but they said that's great and he's where he needs to be.

After his appointment I went and got my hair cut today.  I feel like a new woman.  It was the first time Jeremiah has been totally alone with Gideon (it was only for an hour).  They did great, both are still alive.  I was a bit worried about them because Gideon has been really fussy as of late and eating on the hour every hour.   But they had a bottle of pumped goodness and made it through the hour.    After my hair cut we took a nice walk around our neighborhood.    I still can't believe it's mid March and we are pushing 80 degrees here!  It's a bit nuts.... and a bit warm.  ***Maybe I'll shred a few of these pounds faster because we are so hot!!!

Last night we also had a good time with the Gill family.  We went to the art walk or third Thursday.  It's where they close off a part of main street musicians, artists, and the locals come out and just enjoy one another and their creativity.  We got to see a lot of great work and hear some sweet music as well.  Gideon did great; he was passed out for a majority of it and I truly can not wait for him to be older to truly enjoy such fun things with us (warped tour and corner stone are in my future, it's a must).

My mom has been spending a lot of time helping me while Jeremiah went back to work.  She's been so amazing.  Anything I need help with she doesn't hesitate or ask questions; be it laundry,getting groceries, changing diapers so I can nap,  dishes, dinner, editing job applications, sweeping, listening, spending time with me, helping my little guy relax breathe and calm down.    I really have no idea what we would do with out her.  The hardest part is telling her how much we appreciate her for words don't do it justice.  My mom is not a materialistic person either so it's not like we can buy her something to show a token of our thanks. I know she loves Gideon, more than anyone can ask for and she's thrilled to be a Grandma, I just wish she would get the gratitude she deserves for working so hard behind the scenes all of the time.   So, mom if you ever read this.  Thank you from the bottom of all three of our hearts.  We love you so much and I, personally, don't know if I could do this without you.

Like any new family we have had our struggles be it learning how to help Gideon not fuss as much (it breaks my heart when he wells up with screams).   I'm still trying to find myself and keep myself together (I'm such a worry wart).  I know I need to lean on God more, and I feel bad for he's kinda slipped to the back burner on me again and that's not the place for him, no where close!    But all with time, and this too shall pass we will become better at the things parents do.   We love our son so much and I have a new found love for Jeremiah as well; I feel as if we are closer we are a team now.

There are moments were I feel as if I'm just attached to Gideon (he's pretty cute and I don't mind) but I had no idea how much it meant to get a hair cut... alone....really meant.  It was time for me to regroup.  I was so excited to get home and couldn't stop thinking about my two men when I was away, but I got away for a bit.

It's Friday night and I'm at home, alone, with my beautiful bundle of joy.  He's two weeks old and I feel 1000 years old (so tired here).  My husband is playing magic (and I"m thankful for that, he has to work tomorrow and can't play in a tournament which really stinks).... but his life keeps going.

Our boy is two weeks old.  Brings tears of joy, love and happiness to my eyes.  I am so thankful that God has watched over us this far, through the sleepless nights and just laying in bed listening to his moans, groans, and grunts.  I know here soon I will look back and wonder where the time went and wish I had my little boy back in my arms.

As my favorite book puts it:

"I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be."

I couldn't say it any better.

Good night world, and until next time.....Keep on smiling.

Megan, Jeremiah and our precious Gideon

Worries that need to melt away:
Finding a job!!!!   (I feel so behind in this area, only one job app filled out, no interviews and several of my friends already know there locations next year... sigh...)
Losing weight
Financial burdens
Keeping Gideon happy, that I am not a bad mother
Will I ever heal properly and not be sore some place on me
All of our friends and family members' health

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More pictures

I thought I would try to update this with a few pictures of our precious bundle of joy... mister Gideon Xavier! We did have to stay an extra day in the hospital because of his jaundice and breathing (which they never did find anything wrong, even with all of the test that they ran). We were able to come home Monday, and boy were we exhausted. I am still really tired and getting use to sleeping in short time frames. Wednesday he had his first doctors appointment and Kelly thought he was marvelous, gained 8 ounces after two days (lost a pound while in the hospital). She was very happy with his progress and over all health. We then went out to eat at Mcallisters, his first outing. I wanted to go shopping but then decided I needed to take a nap so we went home. We went to small group where everyone was excited to see him. I dozed during the lesson, thankfully Justin (our leader) understood.

So here are some pictures, sorry they are out of order.

This was right before Gideon was dismissed from the hospital. He was 3 days old!

This is right after his first bath. He is such a good baby, never fussed once and he's always so happy during the day. We are very blessed.

Taking a nap in his crib. He always wants to have his hands by his face. They do get cold from time to time, but regardless of how tight we swaddle him, he always finds a way to wiggle them out to hold his face. So now we just let it be.

Jeremiah is such an amazing father. He loves Gideon more than anything else in this world. I love the picture of him checking on Gideon before we leave from the hospital. And the last picture is of Jeremiah holding him as soon as they brought him back from running all of his test.

This is one happy, tired, family!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Watch Me GROW!

First I want to apologize for the quality of these pictures. They are from my two year old smart phone. I am working with about two pixels, no flash, and a moving baby! =]

This is one of my favorite pictures of MY two guys. Jeremiah came to help me a few times while I was feeding Gideon in the nursery. This was after daddy burped him.

I just took this picture a few hours ago. Right around 3 am. He's TWO days old here.

Here he was about 12 hours/1 day old. This is when we were trying to figure out who he looked liked the most.

Right after delivery. He was so incredibly alert. We tried feeding (and the doc said he did get some colostrum).

Some of the finer details....

The previous entry was about Gideon's story. However, 'he' left out some of the finer more 'adult' details. A few things he forgot to mention to all of you mommies and daddies reading this...
They did break my water when I was stuck at a 7 dilation... and boy did I have a lot of fluid (that's what they said). However, I still remained at a seven for hours.
I did try different positions, on my side, walking, standing against Jeremiah (my favorite) the ball, etc. Not only was my first (of three rooms) incredibly small, but nothing seemed to work or appease me.
I did rip to a three and had several stitches (I'm guessing about five, but the doc and midwife would not tell me, they just looked at each other and said "think of it as one BIG stitch!")
The traumatic birth was the fact that Gideon was in my birth canal going back and forth back and forth for 3 and half hours while I pushed. He had a hard time getting over my pelvic bone. The traumatic part was not just the time, but because he was in one spot for so long and then all of a sudden I pushed and got him out he didn't have time to get ready. He was born in "shock" to say the least. Because of the long delivery he also had a swollen face, cone head, some bruising on his head as well as a scratch on his skin the size of a half-dollar. All of these ouchies have gone away completely or getting better rapidly.

He's getting stronger every day!
Yesterday, after having a good feeding in the morning Gideon did not want to be laid down to sleep (which he has been a GREAT sleeper). He just wanted to snuggle and be held up not cradled. After Jeremiah got up and two hours of just holding him to appease him I realized he was breathing "funny" so I called his nurse and asked if she could follow up on it. The on call Dr. evaluated him, asked for a respiratory specialist to come and and look at him as well.
There were several different conclusions. They thought because of his birth he had some fluid back up, they also though they heard a heart murmur (sp)? and his jaundice was at a higher level than what they would like for his age. They did an x-ray, cbc, blood culture (and told me all about them quickly as I was just thinking "I want my baby to be okay"). At one point they did have him hooked up to an IV just to ensure he was getting his fluids.

All of the test came back with the conclusion that they couldn't find anything wrong with him. But they did want to monitor him. The rest of the day he stayed in the nursery first under a warmer while they watched his heart rate and then he did end up under the belly lamp (or tanning bed) to clear up his jaundice (which is going away quickly).

I have been making trips down to the nursery to feed him, and he's nursing great! I am so proud of that kid and how much he digs the boob.. ahhahahahahah!!! But in all seriousness, he does latch on well and eats for long time.

They said today (Sunday) that they will bring him out to me to feed and will be able to be held by others for an hour here and an hour there and spend the remainder time in the tanning bed. But we are going to wait for the pediatrician to have his look over and give the nursers true feedback.

I am also a new proud owner of two boats.. on my feet. My ankles and feet swelled to incredible sizes. The nurses taking care of me said it was normal that they might remain these huge sizes for a while. Apparently I walked TOOOOO much and all my fluid shifted to my feet. They are NASTY looking. I miss my toes. ahahehehe.

Jeremiah and I will have to go home today by 11:59 unless they want me to stay. But if we do have to go home without him it's for a good reason to get him better.

Going to go post a few more pictures from my phone (we are getting new phones here as in tomorrow!).

Some random bits: we watched Back to the Future tonight! Gideon loves music! And my car stinks. Jeremiah was going to go to get himself some food and my car wouldn't start!!! Booh. So while my mom and dad were visiting they jumped him for him to go home grab a quick shower and get his car (which doesn't have the car seat in it yet!).

Love you all and thanks for the kind words and prayers,

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gideon Xavier Jones

Gideon Xavier Jones
Born: March 2, 2012 at 2:58 a.m.
Weight: 7lbs. 15oz.
Height: 20 inches
Head: 14.5 inches
Labor time: 24+ hours

"My Story"

Wednesday, February 29 (Happy Birthday Heather), night mommy got very little sleep. Finally around 4 she started to count how far apart her contractions were. Around six oclock they start to become 4 minutes apart. Mommy called her mom, Grandma Marwene, to tell her to not go see her parents. Mommy then woke daddy up and told him to call into work for I, Gideon, was coming. Mommy wanted to take a shower and still needed to pack her bag. They left for the hospital around 9 am March 1st and where checked in around 10 am. Mommy was checked and was dilated to a 4. She wanted to have an all natural birth so to progress labor/contractions she went for walks. After an hour she was at a 5, after another hour of walking and contractions she was at a 6, same thing happened for 7. However when mommy hit the dilation of a 7, she was stuck. Mommy went through painful contractions for three hours and didn't progess anymore. She was very discouraged and hurting. She finally "broke" and took the epidural (a drug that makes your lower half of your body numb). She instantly felt much better, still in control but not in pain (just pressure). She then dilated to a 10 very quickly. They decided to give her petocin to make her contractions stronger so that I could come. Luckily she wasn't in as much pain. The doctor said mommy needed to push to get me out. Mommy pushed and pushed and pushed (you should have seen her face). Daddy and Grandma Marwene were there to help mommy through everything. Daddy said later "it was like a war zone!" After three and half hours of intense pushing and true laboring Sue, the on call midwife decided to get Dr. Cox to see what they should do next. My head was just stuck in the canal and kept hitting mom's pelvic bone. Dr. Cox had mommy push a few times, but nothing. At some point as mommy puts it "everyone was running around the labor room and I just yelled, I need to push!!!!!!" So, mommy started pushing and Dr. Cox "reached in" and grabbed me. Daddy said that after I was pulled out my umbilical cord had burst all over the sweetest nurse Julie (mommy said she was her favorite!). I had a low apgar scale because mommy made my birth traumatic, so says the doctors. But I turned out just fine.
I was born at 2:58 a.m. on March 2, 2012. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me, because I'm super cute. Mommy has started nursing me, I like it and eat a whole bunch at a time. I'm a pretty cool baby and just never really fuss.

Today, I had the sniffles so they are monitoring me a bit closer and taking a few test. We'll let you know how things are going. Mommy and Daddy are not worried, so you shouldn't be either! I'm such a healthy boy, going to be a good day!