Friday, February 22, 2013

Half a year has come and gone...

I thought it was time for an update.  I haven't been on here, didn't feel like it was necessary for me to share every detail of my life.  I wanted privacy.

My grandmother passed away today.  I haven't cried yet.

I am going to miss her, a lot.  Even though I knew this was coming, even though it was for the best.    It's hard.  I have to wait to see her again.
The hardest part is not that I won't get letters from her any more, or home made apple jelly for Christmas.  It's the fact that I am heart broken that Gideon won't get to meet/grow up with an amazing woman.
She is by far one of the most inspirational women I have ever known.  It saddens me that it took me until my later years to realize this.  She raised 4 children, 5 (and then spouses) grand children and 4 (almost 5) great-grandchildren.   She was married once.  To my grandfather for 60 years (it would have been 61 here in a few months).  Until her illness she had never spent a night apart from her husband in those 60 years, and every day of those years she cooked, clean, milked cows, went to work, maintained a garden, mended and HAND quilted some of the finest quilts, and took care of everyone.  She was selfless.  She was the hardest worker - and never asked for anything.

I have never hear her complain.  I never heard her yell or raise her voice.  I never heard her belittle or talk bad about someone.  She was always positive and polite.  She was a servant of God and took care of her friends, neighbors, and church families.

I hope that as I grow older, I can tell (and do justice) of telling Gideon stories of the farm - drying up the well, playing hide in seek in the loft of a barn, jumping on hale bales, picking veggies, fishing, cleaning chickens, sewing and quilting with her, eating off china from England with the same blue scene of horses and drawn-carriages.

I hope that as I grow up, and I look like her, that I can become as humble as she is.  That Gideon will one day ask me - who inspires you, and I can tell him my grandmother.     I don't know what else to say, other than that I love her and I strive to be as gracious and loving as her.

Change of story - my sister is going to have a baby this weekend (induction).  I am very excited to meet Seth here soon.  

Gideon is turning one in a week!  His party won't be but a few weeks after that.  He's gotten so big.  He has one of the best personalities.  

I am almost 3/4 done with my first year of teaching.

Jeremiah is a full-time stay at home dad who plans to go to a christian college in August for music ministry.

Jeremiah's brother moved in with us at the start of January to finish out school and hopefully get a job here soon.  He's been fun to have.

We are "purging" our life and plan on having our first garage sale here this year... ekk

My parents are selling their house and have already started building a new house within miles of us.  My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew will all be moving here this summer.

Here are some pictures to put a smile on your face.    Sorry if they are out of order.
Who doesn't love this face.  

Halloween - dragon baby!  He loved the ball pit.  

Thanksgiving!  Go football.  =]

Gideon loves to play in his crib now.  He's getting so big - will be walking soon.  

Gideon and Grandma this summer.  <3

Our Christmas picture.  

Gideon tried feeding himself applesauce.  He did make some of it into his mouth. 

I have no idea how he undressed himself in his sleep.?

This is an older one, but goodie.  

Grandma and mom, one of her last quilts. 

And, that's my boy! 

1 comment:

  1. The first picture of Gideon laughing is just too cute!

    I am sorry for the loss of your grandmother, I cannot imagine how you feel. <3

    3/4 done with our first year... woooooooo! I can't wait for summer! :)

    Love you xoxo
