WOW, I feel incredibly productive today!
Here are my accomplishments in 9 hours (it's only 7pm as of now).
Grade four classes of quizzes while watching Breakfast at Tiffany's (I've never seen it before)
Did SIX, yes I said SIX, loads of laundry and I only have one basket of clothes to fold!
Vacuumed the house and made the bed (with clean sheets!)
Made biscuits and grave for breakfast, a massive salad for lunch, and here shortly will be making chicken pot pie for dinner!
Did lots of dishes as well... baked a lot the past few days!
Wrote my reflection from my current observation from school.
Finished up my Teacher Work Sample 28 slide powerpoint, four lesson plans, and a four page reflection... all are complete (mainly the reflection was completed today)!
Read two case studies for next seminar
Wrote my mid-term evaluation reflection and uploaded to site. Another 4 page document.
Now, after I make dinner I'm going to edit some pictures while sipping some hot apple cider!
This week went by incredibly fast. Friday and Saturday I was at my grandparents, stayed with them because Saturday was my cousin's wedding. It was a very interesting wedding, and I'm so thankful of how happy they are!
I just feel so relived that I accomplished so much today, it is very reassuring of how the rest of my week will turn out.
I have also booked another photo shoot with my old friend Cori from Kohls and her family. =]
Gideon is doing great, he's been kicking me a lot and making my nights a little bit more sleepless; but overall I couldn't love him anymore. this weekend his Great, Great, Aunt Sherry bought him a cute little monkey hat and a blanket! They are perfect. I called my landlord about painting, and they don't think we will be able to paint the nursery but come Friday and over Thanksgiving break we are going to be picking out nursery stuff!! We are 22 weeks preggers! How crazy is that! Now, with all of my extra free time next week, I need to walk walk walk! =]
Well, better go make some dinner.
Have a great week and a very safe and happy Halloween!
Jones Family
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