Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Jeremiah and I have been married for four years today!  I can't believe how much time has passed.   Before Gideon was apart of our lives, I felt as if we were just married, a couple living and existing together.  But now, with Gideon we are a true family.   I don't want you to think that's negative or anything, I always loved my husband, but now that I see him as an amazing father I love him just that much more.  Before Gideon I would look at life, before and after marriage.  I would think of our future of travels, school, and just the two of us.  Gideon changed our world in a great way!  Now I look at life as before and after Gideon.  I think of our future as what we'll be doing with and for our son - no longer selfish - it's no longer about me or Jeremiah.   We get the question of when we'll have a sibling for Gideon, or when that might be.  And I'll be honest, sometimes I do get wrapped up into thinking about growing our family.  But when I look at Gideon all I can do is think - I need not worry about the future but enjoy the present for it's truly a gift.  Every toothless smile, every coo and awe, every poopy diaper should be cherished for it makes us smile.

Happy Anniversary Jeremiah!  I love you so much and can't wait to see what the next four or forty years does for us.  We are so blessed and lucky to have all that we do.  I know though all of hardship and strife we are only growing stronger as individuals and now as a family.   Thank you for always making me laugh and being silly.

Gideon and I enjoyed a nice 3.15 mile walk this morning.  He woke up a bit early, I think it was too chilly, and we had to go inside.  Jeremiah fed him his lunch bottle while I started on lunch for us.  I was thankful to be able to get groceries yesterday, my mom swung by to hangout with her favorite grandboy.   So, so far I'm sticking to my guns of wanting to cook a meal a day.

Lunch:  Breakfast burriots
One roll of sausage
6 eggs
4 ounces of cheedar cheese (sharp)
1/2 green bell pepper
1/2 tomatoe
Tortillas as necessary
(I also had some lettuce and salsa with mine, and I used the tomatoes, Jeremiah didn't want any)

Brown sausage in skillet, once there is a little grease/fat/oil add the finely chopped pepper (you could add more to taste).  Once the sausage is browned you can add the eggs (more if you would like).  After all is cooked, add the cheese and stir to melt.  Then serve on warm tortillas.

I ate 1/4 of the mixture and used one tortilla shell with veggies for a total of 675 calories.    It was  very large portion of the burrito mixture, but it was our breakfast/lunch (and so yummy!).

Tonight for dinner Jeremiah and I are going to have dinner out!  I'm so excited.  <3


  1. Happy Anniversary you two!
    A date alone tonight to celebrate?

  2. Happy anniversary! I have half price movie tickets if you want!

  3. Miranda - I was actually in a wedding rehersal. But when I got home I was able to go the movies and dinner with Jeremiah! Grandma watched Gideon!
