Above is a picture of me at Thanksgiving, I was about 26 weeks.
I am currently 32 weeks at this point. I need to upload a newer picture.
Where to begin with this update?
2011 was a great year, from what I can remember... it seems so long ago. The first semester of the year went well and quick.
We moved into our lovely new home in April. I can't believe that we have been living here for almost a year. It's so spectacular and we are very blessed to have this place. We have our room, a nursery for Gideon Xavier, a business/spare room, and then the finished garage is Jeremiah's game room/band room. It's fantastic. So very thankful for everything.
We got to take our Europe trip... that's why we started this blog in the first place. It was yet another blessing to check off of our list. We traveled to London, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Bern and then back home. We have our favorite memories. And it makes me want to travel more. Ireland is very much on my list, and Greece! But next time it won't be so "go-go all the time" but I just want to go to the location and relax/enjoy the place, then come back.
Paris, is where we found out about the tragedy of Joplin. I hearts sunk instantly. God watched over our friends and family. Although the building process is still going on, the town is still sticking together. It impresses me how quickly the town has done everything. I continue to pray that God will watch over the rebuild and the emotional repairs that take place for everyone.
July 4th is when we found out we were pregnant! Gideon, as we later found out he is a boy, was in our plan and so excited to meet him. However, I decided that those pregnancy test are tricky.
August, I started student teaching with my wonderful 180 kiddos. I had such a fantastic time at the school. My cooperating teacher was by far the most amazing person to work with/for. I learned so much while being there and can not wait until I get my own classroom! The pregnancy only proposed a few challenges, sick here and there, and just constantly being tired. But made it through.
November, we paid off Jeremiah's car... which is a big deal!! Hooray! =] Thanksgiving was pretty low key at Jeremiah's family. We had J's brother stay with us a few days, and we helped my dad cut wood.
December came and went. Jeremiah had a great birthday, and I graduated. Christmas was another fantastic memory. Although I was a bit bitter at moments, just not understanding some people's motives. But it was a great time.
New years we had a very low key family game night with some of our friends. It was exactly what we needed/wanted.
New Years Resolution:
1) Take more pictures (specially because Jeremiah/Graduation got me a new camera!)
2) Lose the baby weight incredibly fast.
3) Go to church more.
4) Get out of debit and save for Gideon's college and our house.
5) Be the best wife/daughter/friend/mother possible. Love all, no matter how much the irritate me.
So thankful for all of the opportunities 2011 brought. Glad for all of the friends I have made and the family that is there.
Jeremiah is still working at NCO, part of the tech. support for Quickbooks. However the past three weeks have been really rough on him. He's been sick with this pain in side (has had it since June, at least that we can remember). So he's been missing a lot of work (lean on God, he will provide for us). But we also have spent the last four days at the doctors/hospital running test, this and that.
I am currently unemployed, for the first time in my life, in a really long time. I am subbing at the school I student taught at, but haven't had too many calls. Trying to get everything ready for Gideon's arrival. Counting down the weeks at this point. 8 more weeks! We can do this.
I feel incredibly huge, but I know everything will be okay! As long as he is healthy.
Well, this is long and I should get off of here.
Frustrated, but I will get over that. Just confused about a few friends and family... I want to say what is on my mind... but then again I don't want to start anything. Just.. bahhhahahaha.
Off I go.
Megan, Jeremiah, and Gideon
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